IPT Top Questions
- What are the current editions of the IPT tests?
- Pre-IPT Oral English, Sixth Edition
- IPT I Oral, Forms G & H, Second Edition
- IPT II Oral, Forms E & F, Second Edition
- IPT Early Literacy English, Fourth Edition
- IPT 1 Reading & Writing, Forms C & D Third Edition
- IPT 2 Reading & Writing, Forms C & D Third Edition
- IPT 3 Reading & Writing, Forms C & D Third Edition
- Pre-IPT Oral Spanish, Sixth Edition
- IPT I Oral Spanish, Fifth Edition
- IPT II Oral Spanish, Fifth Edition
- IPT Early Literacy Spanish, Second Edition
- IPT 1 Reading & Writing Spanish, Fifth Edition
- IPT 2 Reading & Writing Spanish, Fifth Edition
- IPT 3 Reading & Writing Spanish, Fifth Edition
- What do I need to administer the IPT Oral?
- For preschool children ages 3, 4, and 5, use the Pre-IPT
- For students in grades K-6*, use the IPT I
- For students in grades 6-12*, use the IPT II
- What do I need to administer the IPT Reading & Writing?
- For grades K-1, use the IPT Early Literacy
- For grades 2-3, use the IPT 1
- For grades 4-6, use the IPT 2
- For grades 7-12, use the IPT 3
- Windows
- Processor: PIII/IV 1.3 GHz or faster
- Memory: 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit) recommended
- Mac
- Processor: G4 800 MHz or faster
- Memory: 1 GB RAM recommended
- Windows
- Firefox 3.6 or higher
- IE 6 or higher (IE 9 or higher required to play Reading test audio instructions)
- Safari 3 or higher
- Chrome 16 or higher
- Mac
- Firefox 2 or higher
- Safari 2 or higher
- Chrome 17 or higher
- Printer: required to print reports and Writing test booklets
- Minimum Bandwidth: DSL, Cable, Fiber Optics, T-1 or T-3 (accelerated dial-up connections such as NetZero are not recommended)
- Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768
- Sound Card: required to play Reading test audio instructions
- Plug-ins & Settings
- Adobe Reader: Version 7 or higher
- Browser Settings: Enable Javascript and cookies
- Internet connection is down or your client's computer lost network connection
- Caps lock is on
- Password was changed
- Mistyped or wrong e-mail address was used
- Wait for 30 minutes before attempting to login again
- Click on the "I can't access my account" from the Login page to reset your password. Then you can login immediately using the new password.
- Internet and/or network connection was dropped
- Your session was inactive/idle for about 20 minutes
- A second session was established using the same e-mail address
The current editions of the IPT Oral and Reading & Writing tests in English and Spanish are listed in the tables below.
IPT English Tests
IPT Spanish Tests
- These forms have been discontinued and the score interpretation norms are outdated. We recommend that you contact your school or district office to update your test materials.
It depends on the grade level of your students:
We recommend that you order a complete set of any given grade level, which will give one examiner enough materials to test 50 students. All test booklets and answer sheets are sold in packages of 50. If you are using the OnlineIPT, the tests are sold in blocks of 50 tests, and can be used to administer any oral test.
If you have several testers/examiners conducting testing at the same time, each examiner needs: one examiner's manual and one picture book for the IPT I and II Oral Tests and one examiner's manual, one story board, and one set of story pieces for the Pre-IPT Oral Tests.
Which form should I order?
We offer alternate forms of our IPT I- and II-Oral English Tests for pre- and post-testing. Either form may be used for initial identification, progress monitoring, or redesignation. There is only one form of the IPT I- and II-Spanish Tests available and only one form of the Pre-IPT English and Spanish Tests available.
Do I have to buy a whole new set of the alternate form for post-testing?
No. Simply order the needed components of the alternate form: one picture book for each examiner and test booklets or answer sheets for each student (50 to a package).
What do I need to score the tests (paper-based testing only)?
All of the IPT Oral tests are designed to be scored as you administer the test for immediate score results. The instructions in the test booklet will tell you what the student’s test level, designation, and proficiency level are.
Alternatively, you may choose to test using the OnlineIPT which instantly scores as you test and generates diagnostic reports after testing. To learn more, click here.
It depends on the grade level of your students:
We recommend you order a complete set for any given grade level, which will give one examiner enough materials to test 50 students. All test booklets and answer sheets are sold in packages of 50.
If you have several testers/examiners conducting testing at the same time, each examiner needs one examiner’s manual.
What do I need for each student?
Each student will need a Reading and a Writing test booklet. Some students will also need answer sheets for the Reading test. Here’s what you need for each student:
Grades K-1 and 2-3 | Grades 4-6 and 7-12 |
Reading Test Booklet | Reading Test Booklet (Non-consumable) |
Writing Test Booklet | Reading Test Answer Sheet |
Writing Test Booklet |
Which form should I order?
We offer alternate forms of our English tests for pre- and post-testing. Either form may be used for initial identification, progress monitoring, or redesignation. There is only one form of the Spanish tests available and one form of the IPT English Early Literacy Test available.
Do I have to buy a whole new set of the alternate form for post-testing?
No, but it is highly recommended. Although components can be purchased separately, all the components of the Reading and Writing tests are needed for post-testing, and it is more economical to purchase a complete set. Simply order an additional set of the alternate form.
What do I need to score the tests?
Student writing samples from the IPT Writing tests are scored holistically using a rubric. The IPT Early Literacy Reading Test is hand scored only. The IPT 1-, 2-, and 3-Reading Tests, and the Conventions section of the Writing tests may be scored using using the scoring template provided in the test sets to score each test answer sheet quickly and accurately. An answer key is also provided in the Examiner's Manuals. The template is not available for the IPT 1 (grades 2-3) or the IPT Early Literacy (K-1) because they do not require answer sheets since students mark their answers directly in the test booklets.
Online Inservice
Q: I missed the in-person training for the IPT. Can I use the online IPT Inservice Training instead?
- A: Yes. The online IPT Inservice is free and you will be issued a certificate at the completion of your training. Visit http://www.ballardtighetraining.com/iptinservice/ to train for the IPT.
- A: This inservice training is made up of four modules. You only need to train for tests that you are actually going to administer. You do not need to complete the training in one sitting, although it is recommended that once you begin one of the modules, you go through all of it at your own pace.
- A: Contact your district coordinator with the web site address (http://www.ballardtighetraining.com/iptinservice/) to request that they unblock the web site.
- A: Check your Spam filter settings and search through your "Junk" folder. If you still can't find it, e-mail us at support@ballard-tighe.com with your district name, e-mail address, name, and test date used during the online training. We will locate your records and resend your e-mail.
OnlineIPT FAQs
Q: What are the minimum requirements for my client's computer to run the OnlineIPT?
- A: The OnlineIPT is a web-based system designed to run on your client's computer with no downloads or installs so it is ready to use as easily and quickly as possible.
Hardware Requirements
Q: My district/school has already created my account but I haven't received my username and password. How can I access my account?
- A: Click on I can't access my account link on your login page (www.onlineipt.com) and follow the directions.
- A: There are several reasons for this:
A: Access to the OnlineIPT is determined by your district or school coordinator. You need to contact them to request access. Once you have been given access, you will receive an e-mail notification from the system with your login information.
A: Check your Spam filter settings and search through your Junk folder.
A: You must also assign test quantities to your examiners (through the Quantity and Permission button) in order for the system to send out login information to your examiners.
A: If you attempted to login more than five times unsuccessfully, your user login will automatically be blocked by the system. You may do one of the following:
A: There are several reasons that may cause your session to be disconnected. Some of the most common reasons are:
A: No. For security reasons, only one session is allowed per user. A user is identified by his/her unique e-mail address.
A: Only one login credential can have access to an account (the account holder*).